A.S.D. Lago delle Rose

Lago delle Rose in Arquà Petrarca, Padua

With a total location surface of 99000 mq, 33000 mq of it reserved just for the body of water, Lago delle Rose has a perimeter of nearly 1 km and its average depth is about 5/6 meters.

Lago delle Rose provides a zone designated to sunbathe, relax and chill.

During the summer season, namely from April til the end of October, carpfishing is performed, which is a no-kill fishing technique. During the fishing sessions, carps are catched, photographed and gently released.
It is also possible to practise sturgeon fishing and spinning fishing.

Lago delle Rose is run by a recreational fishing association named A.S.D. Lago delle Rose.

Let's organize your pic-nic at Lago delle Rose in Arquà Petrarca

Lake with beach and pic-nic zone

For the shore zone, we offere the following services:

  • cot rent: 3€
  • beach umbrella rent: 3 €
Riva del Lago delle Rose used as a beach and picnic area

Along the lake 3 pic-nic zones are found:

  • one wide zone
  • one small zone
  • and one other small zone, isolated and shaded, which is situated in a higher position, with lake view, and which is accessible via a stairway.

Each zone is furnished with tables and chairs, and it is possible either to order a take away lunch from the restaurant-bar, to be eaten at the pic-nic zone, or to take it directly from home.

Bathing is forbidden.

A 5€ contribution is asked to each person (except kids) for the service which makes you find every area always clean and tidy.

Gli Eventi al Lago delle Rose

Esattamente come agli albori del lago, l’associazione che lo cura si occupa di organizzare, oltre che alle attività di pesca, anche attività ed eventi ricreativi per tutte le età quali concerti all’aperto, sfilate, concorsi e corsi di vario genere.

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